Telling... Everyone

The first time we were pregnant, we were really sure that we did not want to wait the recommended first trimester to tell people for several reasons:

  1. Safety in pregnancy is never 100% guaranteed.
  2. We knew that, if we did miscarry, that I would want not to walk through that alone, that instead I would want the support of our friends and family.
  3. We wanted to choose to celebrate the moments that we did have and not fear the moments that were unknown, and
  4. I was pretty terrible at keeping our exciting news anyways.

Last time, our decision was to go ahead and tell our immediate family first, extended family, and close friends. We said we would keep it off of social media until it was "safer" so that people we did not know as well would not be confused if we announced and then miscarried.

However, after having walked through a miscarriage once before, I learned some things about what I wanted and needed during that process. I found it hard that there were people that I wanted to tell about our pregnancy, that I was not able to in time before we miscarried. I have to say, it is much more fun to tell the exciting news first. So, I decided that I did not want to have a filter, and would tell people as soon as I could. I knew that again we would risk having to tell people about our loss, but I wanted to tell people about our joy and I knew that these were the people who I would need their support in our loss, as well.

So, we spent the weekend after we told Evan's family spreading the news to my brother and some of our extended family. We told a dear woman in Evan's home church, who prayed with us after church service. She prayed for our hearts and for our precious little one's health. It was such a blessing to share our joy with someone who has prayed so faithfully for us, even as we have been far away.

Here's the video of our conversation with Ryan:

Here's the video of our conversation with Evan's Great Aunt, Judy: