I wish I could describe all the way God demonstrated his love for us through our friends and family during this process.

  • We had people pray for us and with us.
  • We had people text and call us constantly.
  • We had people visit us.
  • We had people get us out of the house and take us to movies, dinner, nail salons, etc.
  • We had people give me rides, since I couldn't drive on all the medications.
  • We had people bring us meals.
  • We had people send us messages, words of encouragement, cards, and gift cards.
  • We had people send us care packages.
  • We had people send us a whole bouquets of flowers.
  • We had people Skype us in so we wouldn't feel "left out."
  • We had ONE person order just me an entire pizza, tray of brownies and tray of cookies.. for just ONE night.
  • We had a friend become very "bossy" in order to make sure I had what I needed. Sometimes "bossiness" is love!

We also were blessed to have my mom come out for several days. She cooked us enough meals to last us several weeks, cleaned our house, did our laundry, ran errands, picked up medications, and did literally ANYTHING we needed.... ALL while working remotely. She is superwoman, I promise.

I am unable to put to words how grateful I am for all of the support during that time and it has continued afterwards. From the bottom of my heart, I am thankful for each one of you. I can picture each one of you, and you mean so much to me. Thank you for everything. I am immensely blessed to know you.

Cards and Gift Cards